Realm Construct A Building Focused Minecraft Let's Play

Realm Construct is a YouTube Let's Play series that focuses on the building process and the lore of our Minecraft fantasy world called Goia.

Most of the series is set in the region of Remia. Remia is a kingdom, region and city. While still being the largest of the human kingdoms it was once an empire that dwindled in power and influence and for the last 121 years it tried to suppress the internal conflicts it faced while slowly withering away with many of its territories gaining widespread autonomy.

Working Central Bank

Episode 5: Many changes coming to the series. Going from let's play to video essays (kinda)

Working Iron Mine

Episode 4: Before jumping right into building the town center I wanted to progress a little further, so I decided we should build a fancy iron farm.

Starting The City

Episode 3: After we got a start in the new region we can finally begin with the planning of the city itself.

Starter Chicken Farm

Episode 2: What is the most important thing for survival? Well for Minecraft, the answer if probably food. So we built a little farm to take care of that.

Temple Starter Base

Episode 1: Starting out with an abandoned temple as a starter base. Situated on a hill in the region of Remia, but not the city itself.

Take A Look At My YouTube Channel!

Want to level up your building skills? If so, make sure to check out my YouTube channel! There you can find both creative mode building tutorials and also building focused survival mode let's plays.

Click Here To See My YouTube Channel